What time is school open from?
Our Premises Manager and Teachers start arriving from 07.00. The school office is open from 08.00. Telephone calls made to the school before 08.00 will go to the school answerphone.
Breakfast Club runs from 07.30.
How am I kept informed about what is happening in the school?
We strive to keep you informed about what is happening at school. Each year group sends home a fortnightly newsletter about what they have been learning and future projects. We produce weekly newsletters for the whole school and nursery informing you about dates and events, as well as updates within the school.
As part of our Eco pledge, we email these to you however you can request a paper copy instead which is sent home in the book bags. They are also published on the website. We also use emails to communicate with you and to remind you what events are coming up in the school. Please make sure the school has your correct contact numbers and email address. You can update your contact details by either calling the School Office on 01293 886521 or emailing them on office@brookinfant.school
How often are parent consultation evenings held?
Every term we have a parents evening where you meet with the teacher or nursery staff. We also have open afternoons (once a term) from 15.00 to 16.30 where you can look at your child’s work and have a look around he classroom and school.
We have a variety of curriculum meetings and workshops throughout the year. You will be informed if they are relevant to your child. If you have any worries, questions or concerns then you should contact the school office who will be happy to help.
What time does school start?
School officially starts at 08.30.
What do I do if my child is late?
If you think you are going to be late, please try and phone us to let us know as soon as possible. If you arrive at school after 08.30, please go the school office where you will be able to register your child. Your child will be marked late in the register.
What if I am going to be late picking my child up?
If you are going to be late picking up your child, please ring the school office to let them know as soon as possible. We can then tell your child to make sure they are not worried and make sure they have something to do whilst waiting. If you child is still with us at 15:30 they will be taken into After School Club and you will be charged for their time in the Club (£11) unless there are extenuating circumstances.
Please make sure you pick your child up from the School Office.
Who is able to pick my child up?
If someone other than yourself is collecting your child you will need to let us know. Please ensure you have let the class teacher/School Office know. If we have not had a message from you directly, then we will phone you to ensure that the person is allowed to take them and hold onto your child until this is confirmed. If the person collecting is new to us they will need to give us your password before we can release your child.
What do I do if my child is ill?
- Complete our sickness absence form or;
- Telephone the School Office (01293 886521) and leaving a message on the school answerphone - select option 1 to report your child's absence or;
- Telephone the School Office (01293 886521) and choose option 3 to speak to a member of staff.
- If we haven't heard from you by 09.00 we will contact you to find out why your child is absent.
- If we get no reply we will then contact each of your emergency contacts that you have supplied the school with.
How long does my child need to be off school if they have had a sickness bug?
If your child has a sickness bug it is West Sussex County policy that your child does not return to school until 48 hours after their last bout of vomiting or diarrhoea. Your child will be sent home if they come into school before the 48 hours has past
What do I do if my child has a medical appointment?
Please inform the school in writing at least one day before the appointment. This will be marked as an authorised absence in the register. We do ask for a copy of the hospital letter for the school records.
What do I do if I want to take my child out of school for a holiday?
Following a government directive no holidays/absences are authorised in term time unless there are exceptional circumstances which would be extremely rare. If parents choose to take a holiday during term time, this would be unauthorised and would be referred for a fixed penalty notice.
Please ensure an Absence from School form is completed prior to the holiday being taken.
Are the children allowed sweets in school on any occasion?
No. We want to promote our school as a healthy school and discourage sweets of any form in lunch boxes or other occasions.
Can I come in and help?
We warmly welcome volunteer helpers in the classes once the children have settled into school. On most occasions you will help in your child's class. Some children would find it difficult if mum or dad is in their class and therefore you would help in another class - at least for a while. We insist that all volunteer helpers are DBS (police) checked. An appointment can be made via the School Office to complete a DBS as they are now completed online.
Can my pre-school child have a go on the climbing apparatus while I wait for my child?
We DO NOT allow any children on the equipment unless supervised by a member of staff. Neither pre-school nor school children can use the equipment before or after school as the signs clearly state. All accidents are outside our insurance and so parent are fully liable.
Are there any after school clubs available for my child?
We run our own After School Club every day during term time.
What can my child have in their lunchbox?
We encourage healthy eating at all times. Sweets, fizzy drinks and chocolate bars are not allowed. Crisps and chocolate biscuits (eg Penguins, Kit Kat, Wagon Wheels etc) are acceptable.
Your child can bring a drink of water for the classroom and one for their lunch. Milk is available to be purchased if you would like your child to have it during the morning. Milk is free for all children under the age of five. The milk can be ordered through https://www.coolmilk.com/.
Due to severe allergies in class we do not allow NUTS OR SEEDS in any form. Unfortunately if these items come into school they will be removed.
Are children allowed to bring in snacks for playtime?
We are part of the government’s ‘free fruit and veg’ for schools scheme and so all children have access to fruit or vegetables during the day. However, you can send your child in with fruit or vegetables as well if you prefer.
Nursery do ask that children bring in a snack in individual named pots for snack time. Sweets, chocolate bars etc are not allowed.
What do I do if my child loses any item of clothing?
All clothing should be clearly named so they can be returned directly to the child. However we do have a lost property box in the entrance foyer. Quite often children accidentally take home each other’s clothes and they are usually brought back within a couple of days!
Is my child allowed to wear jewellery?
If your child has pierced ears, they can wear small plain studs only. However, they must be able to take them out themselves. No jewellery is allowed on PE days. This is a West Sussex policy as well as a school one. No other jewellery is allowed in school.
We know that as children get older they want to wear watches. Small plain watches are allowed in Year two only but please no flashing ones with noises.