Welcome to Year One

Hello! Welcome to the Year One area, we are Miss Witham (Kingfishers) and Mrs Duncan and Mrs Wood (Dragonflies), the friendly Year One teachers. We are supported by our amazing Teaching Assistants.

We feel Year One is about learning through fun and creativity. Our aim is to inspire children through our various topics to develop as independent learners.   Year One is such an exciting year for the children as they progress from Reception to Year Two with improved self belief and confidence.

One of our many roles is to identify the differences in each child's learning style and then once established make the learning environment as stimulating as possible.

We want to work together with parents to support children through their learning journey. Our door is therefore always open if you want to talk to us!

Mrs Duffell-Canham, Mrs Duncan, Mrs Wood and the Year One Team

Mrs  Duffell-Canham

Mrs Duffell-Canham

Kingfishers Class Teacher

Mrs  Duncan

Mrs Duncan

Dragonflies Class Teacher

Mrs  Wood

Mrs Wood

Dragonflies Class Teacher