Unless a child has an Education, Health Care Plan the admissions policy for a child with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities is the same as for any other child, please see the West Sussex Admissions Policy.
We will use our best endeavours to meet the needs of children on our admissions list.
Concerns or Complaints
Who can I contact for help if I have a concern or complaint?
If you have specific concerns or questions catch your child’s class teacher at the end of the day and make an appointment to meet with them.
General enquiries can go to the School Office.
The School Office have access to the Inclusion Manager, Miss Witham’s diary and you can make an appointment to meet her or can contact her directly on
The Head Teacher, Mrs Cox is on the gate most mornings to welcome the children you can catch her there or make an appointment to see her through the School Office.
SEND Information, Advice and Support Service (SENDIAS) are available to give impartial help and advice on their website ( or via telephone on 03302 228 555
You will find the wider West Sussex Local Offer and contact details of support services at
As a school we take all parent concerns seriously. In the first instance we hope they can usually be resolved by talking to the class teacher. If the class teacher cannot resolve the concern or a parent feels they cannot approach the class teacher they can contact the Inclusion Manager or Head Teacher as stated above. Concerns will be looked into thoroughly before a response is made. If a parent is not happy with the response from the Head Teacher they can contact the school governors via the school office. Please see our Complaints policy.